Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Imagemagick in bash, resize images

The following command will resize an image to a height of 100:
convert example.png -resize x100 example.png

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Latex Temporarily disable superscript in citation

The following example changes \setcitestyle locally and puts it in macro \citen. \setcitestyle of package natbib (2010/09/13 8.31b) contains a space right at the beginning of the macro definition by an uncommented end of line, the trick with \romannumeral removes this space.

    \romannumeral-`\x % remove space at the beginning of \setcitestyle

Package \textsf{accsupp}\cite{oberdiek:accsupp}.
This figure is reproduce from reference~\citen{oberdiek:zref}.
Inside moving arguments (e.g., \caption) macro \citen can be protected using \protect or by using \DeclareRobustCommand for the definition:
\newcommand*{\citen}{}% generate error, if `\citen` is already in use
    \romannumeral-`\x % remove space at the beginning of \setcitestyle