Friday, June 22, 2012

PDF editing soft: Xournal

Warning: this program is not known to work on some versions (works fine for me on 32- and 64-bit 10.04

How to Install Foxit

Paste these commands into the terminal:

Download Foxit

wget -c

Install the .deb

sudo dpkg -i FoxitReader_1.1.0_i386.deb
(or whatever version you've just downloaded)

If you've got a 64-bit machine, you'll need to:

sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture FoxitReader_1.1.0_i386.deb
n.b. -- this works fine for me, though I have installed a few 32 bit libraries.

Remove the original archive

After you test out that Foxit is working properly, you can remove the original .deb file you downloaded with the first command
rm FoxitReader_1.1.0_i386.deb
It should perhaps be noted that the 1.1 version of FoxitReader, which is the one for which 32-bit binaries are available (June 2011), does not have the annotation features of the current Windows version which is version 5.0. You are limited to viewing the pdf, copying text and making an image of the pdf which you can do with other native Linux pdf readers.